Making my game look pretty | April 27th 2021

Editor's note

Hello there! On this devlog you will be able to read a bit more information about recent update to the game Total Ratastrophe which I've previously discussed in my last video which I recommend you to check out before reading this post.

List of new things

  • New character sprite and animations: I added a new character sprite with some animations to make game feel a bit more fresh. Currently there are 4 new animations:

    IdleWalk upwardsWalk downwardsDeath (currently not used)
    These animations might change in the future because currently I don't find them the best options for my game.
  • New tileset: I created new tileset with grass, walls and other stuff for level design. Current tiles are far from being done, I'll be adding to it in the future. But despite the fact that current set lacks a lot of stuff, game looks much better and fresh.

    This picture is a sneak peek post from my twitter account where I frequently post all the interesting stuff I add to the game!

  • New fullscreen minimap: now you also have a fullscreen minimap which you can open/close by pressing the M key or by pressing the Map button on the screen.

  • Room variant generator: Now the game has two generators which are capable of making dungeons for you to explore. One of them is the old generator which makes the shape of the dungeon and second one which is new. New generator picks room variant for each type of the room. You can see what I mean on the illustration down bellow.

  • Maximum rooms in the dungeon: I also tweaked the main generator. Now I can change how big the dungeon will be by changing the amount of rooms that will spawn in a value in game controller.
    This was made for consistency.  The sizes of given dungeons before were too different. One time you could get a dungeon with 10 rooms and another with 50 rooms.
    This addition won't give you the 100% accuracy when spawning the rooms (if you enter 10 rooms in the value the generator might give you a bit more than that, but I think it's fine because it adds to randomness which I don't want to get rid of completely).


This update has a lot of new things. They may not seem as something big or game changing, but they are still very important. 
Even tho the update has bunch of stuff in it, more is yet to come, since the game is far from being finished.

If you have any thoughts, suggestions, questions or any other kind of feedback feel free to leave a comment or contact me through any social media linked down below.

Also you can play newest build of the came on game's page.

Thanks for following the development, I really appreciate that ♥


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